Being in the right place at the right time very lucky for a small boy

In 1958 I was working in a place called Port of Menteith right beside the only lake in Scotland Lake of Menteith, 1958 was a marvellous summer. I was working at a sawmill in Port of Menteith in those days they used to take the sawmill to the wood they had what is called a high wire which lifted the logs and dropped them close to the sawmill. One morning three of us were told to go to a place the other side of Aberfoyle and pick up some timber which had been felled there. We got there and dispatched the first load taken by a four wheel drive truck the driver of the tracked machine and I were waiting for the truck to come back the machine engine was idling the driver said to me can you hear anything I said no my hearing is not good as I am completely deaf in my right ear. So the driver switched of the engine and we could hear this screaming which was coming from this building that we could just see through the undergrowth it had metal gates on in and behind them was this young boy covered blood, so I hooked the winch on to the gates and the driver gently pulled them off. With luck the truck arrived back and the driver took the boy to the local doctors in Aberfoyle. We had no idea who the boy was and thankfully he was not badly hurt, the building he was trapped in belonged to the water board, on the top of it was turret made of metal bars he must have been on top of the building and slipped through a space between the metal bars and fallen in and landed on a metal grid below a fall of at least twenty feet. That was one lucky boy we had arrived there at approximately seven thirty am why was he there at that time we guessed he had been there all night, this was a very remote spot well of the beaten track and the chances of us being there at that time on that day are small the mill had a little spare time so they chose that particular day to send us there. We never heard anything about the boy after apart that he was OK.